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The corporatocracy, or corporate oligarchy, consists of the military-industrial complex (now the military-petroleum complex); international banks like the Fed, the IMF and the World Bank; and multinational (mostly infrastructure) corporations. The corporatocracy runs our government no matter which party is in power from behind the scenes.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A History of the US since WWII (a work in progress)

1945 USA: President Truman (1945-53) takes office after FDR dies.

1953 USA: President Eisenhower (1953-61) takes office.

1953 Iran: Democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh was
overthrown by a CIA coup after Mossadegh nationalized a British oil company
(BP’s precursor). The US-friendly and corruptible Pahlavi was re-installed
as Shah (King). In 1979 the Shah was overthrown and Iran became an Islamic

1954 Guatemala: Democratically elected President Arbenz instituted land
reforms so that the people would benefit from Guatemala's natural
resources. The CIA overthrew the president, bombed the city and installed a
corrupt dictator. Guatemala's been in a civil war since 1960 as a direct

1961 USA:  President Kennedy (1961-63) takes office.

1963 USA:  President Johnson (1963-69) assumes presidency after JFK was assassinated.

1969 USA: President Nixon (1969-74) takes office.

1973 Chile: Democratically elected president Salvador Allende, a self-declared socialist, was overthrown in a military coup. The U.S. president stated that an Allende government was unacceptable and had given the CIA authorization and funding to take him out.

1974 USA: President Ford (1974-77) assumes office after Nixon resigned in the face of impeachment.

1977 USA: President Carter (1977-81) takes office.

1981 USA: President Reagan (1981-89) takes office.

1981 Ecuador: First democratically elected President Jaime Roldós Aguilera
died in a plane crash. Largely believed to be a CIA assassination as
Aguilera posed a threat to the corporatocracy (Ecuador has oil) and the
failure of John Perkins and other economic hit men (EHM) to corrupt him.

1981 Panama: Democratically elected Omar Torrijos died in a plane crash
after refusing to renegotiate the Panama Canal Treaty which was to return
control of the canal to Panama. Torrijos apparently was handed a tape recorder with an embedded bomb by one of his security guards just before boarding the plane.  The CIA is implicated in his death.

1988 Panama: United States invades Panama - a country without an army. The U.S. firebombs Panama City killing 2,000-4,000 men, women and children. Was it to remove Noriega because he also refused to renegotiate the Panama Canal Treaty or was it because of the rumor that Noriega had incriminating photos of the U.S. president's son?

1989 USA: President Bush Sr. (1989-93) takes office.

1990 Iraq: Four days before Iraq invaded Kuwait, Saddam contacted the
U.S. ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, to get consent from the U.S.
government for the invasion. Saddam was told that "the Kuwait issue is not
associated with America". Glaspie takes the fall as a misinformed
ambassador of the Bush administration. The U.S. consequently entered into
the Persian Gulf War to "liberate Kuwait".

1993 USA: President Clinton (1993-2001) takes office.

2001 USA: President Bush Jr. (2001-09) takes office.

2001 United States: 9/11. The Bombshell Memo written by Coleen Rowley to
FBI Director Robert Mueller in which she asks why every time her Minneapolis
Division tried to warn its superiors about an impending terrorist
attack involving crashing commercial airplanes, it went nowhere.

2003 Iraq: U.S. invades Iraq again on the pretense that Iraq is aiding Al
Qaeda and that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. When Joseph C.
Wilson IV wrote an op-ed in the New York Times declaring that the Bush
Administration grossly misinterpreted used his report for invading Iraq.
The Bush Administration diverted attention from the deceit by revealing to
the press his wife's identity: Valerie Plame - a covert CIA operative. The
diversion worked and Scooter Libby, Vice-President Cheney's chief-of-staff,
takes the fall for revealing Agent Plame. Also, the secret Downing Street Memo attests to "the intelligence and facts were being fix around the policy" [to invade Iraq].

2009 USA: President Obama (2009-present) takes office.